October 2017 – The First Week

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

Hey everyone and happy October (its halfway through the month but whatever). I started collecting photos from the first part of this month and realized I could make a true “weekly” spread for the first week of the month, as typically I just focus on keeping each month together and not really doing the traditional weekly Project Life spreads. This spread documents the last St. Louis Cardinals game of the season, some everyday things, and, of course, October 3rd, aka Mean Girls Day.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

I loved the simplicity  of the “start where you are” card from the September “Starlight” Studio Calico kit, but I felt like it needed a little something. I added some die cuts from Felicity Jane, and a bit of the gorgeous washi tape from the October “Gypsy Moon” Studio Calico kit. The alphas that I used are also from Felicity Jane.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

I had three pictures from the baseball game that I wanted to use, so I displayed the picture of my friend and me and used the other two (that were long distance of players) for a flip pocket.


I don’t typically document sad events in my Project Life album. I know a lot of people do because it is meant to be documenting your life, the good and the bad, but I tend to be naturally a bit more on the pessimistic side so I try to keep my album as cheery and fun as possible. Still there have been events that I didn’t want to ignore so I’ve documented them in more subtle ways. I feel like this card from Feed Your Craft with the quote from J.K. Rowling is a good representation of the tragic events that have been occurring in the United States with the hurricanes and shooting in Las Vegas. I feel like it represents these hard times but also how we can grow together.


How are you documenting October so far? Do you document the good and the bad or keep your album focused on happy memories?